
Showing posts from June, 2020

Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum

Humans naturally abhor changes even if it is for the best whereas kids start from a point where they are receptive to new ideas. In fact, while they are growing up everything for them is new. But as they grow older, they look at adults around them rejecting ideas and they learn the art of being closed minded or non-receptive to change. It is about time we change that. Let them be open to changes. Let us develop an entrepreneurial mindset in children. Kids with an Entrepreneurial Mindset would have following characteristics – Open Mindedness, Empathy, Creativity, Confidence, Problem Solving Ability Open Mindedness Kids mostly believe what people in the place of authority in their lives say. For example, if their teacher tells them it is okay to eat the skin of an apple because it is nutritious, they believe and do just that but when they get home and their mothers tell them it’s good to peel the skin off an apple before eating it, the kids get confused. They believe both the