Entrepreneurship Course for Kids

Entrepreneurship is a subject that should be included in schools' curriculum.

Entrepreneurship does not only involve dividing students into groups to do a bunch of activities, it also means giving students the needed space and resources they need to think creatively, be fast thinkers, and be able to solve problems.

Entrepreneur Mindset Curriculum

Entrepreneurship for Kids  is very important in raising students that will graduate, go out into the world, and not only work for companies but would also have the capacity to think fast, creatively and start their own companies and become job creators or sustain a living by becoming an independent consultant. Education system should stop nurturing people to become order takers. They should instead focus on nurturing and entrepreneurial and growth mindset in kids.

There is a joy parents feel when their kids are young entrepreneurs who can think well and solve problems. They feel confident about their child’s future. However, for this to happen, schools will have to play a large role by teaching entrepreneurship to kids.

There is the need for schools to include Entrepreneurship mindset curriculum in schools with focus on teaching kids’ mindset and skills that will help them have adequate knowledge of the subject. Including the subject as part of the curriculum is necessary for every child to enjoy the benefit of growth and entrepreneurial mindset. It is not just for selected few students who opt into the program because their parents are aware and open minded. There are many important reasons why schools and all other enrichment centers and educational institutes should include Entrepreneurship Course for Kids that focuses on both mindset and skills.

●       Prepares Kids for Future: While none of us know what the future holds, entrepreneurship course for kids prepares them for the uncertain times. Future can be quite uncertain and unpredictable, and there are constant transformational experiences as we keep evolving into different economic and technological eras. As a result, students will be graduating into a world filled with so many uncertainties and complexities and entrepreneurial mindset curriculum helps to prepare for the uncertain future.

●       Makes Kids Think Creatively: as it teaches them to think outside the box. It helps children develop their exceptional talents and skills. Thinking outside the box will help them think of several solutions when problems arise and different ways to reach a desire goal. It helps a lot in achieving goals and passion. Student with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset tends to think differently from the others.

●       Builds Confidence in Kids: We need to provide tools to kids so that they feel confident about their own self. They grow up having a high self-esteem. Their confidence will help them take on the world. When entrepreneurs are just starting, having confidence in what they are doing does not come easily but for a person who has been taught in school about entrepreneurial mindset, it becomes much easier. Confidence encourages entrepreneurs to take risks which are a vital part of entrepreneurship.

●       Helps with Job Creation: Entrepreneurship education helps the economy develop and create several economic opportunities for people at different levels. Instead of relying solely on jobs, kids learn to solve problems, create wealth for their own self and also create jobs for others.

●       Entrepreneurship Fosters Better Opportunities: In conventional education system, kids with weaker backgrounds tend to lose out on opportunities. However, entrepreneurship course for kids allows not just potential growth in opportunities but also lifestyle and lives of many underprivileged.

●       Promotion of Skills and Talents: Entrepreneurship helps to promote skills and talents that might not be encouraged in conventional classrooms. It also encourages students to make mistakes and learn from them unlike the normal classroom setting where they are marked wrong for mistakes

Entrepreneurship Course for Kids

●       Good Well Being: Entrepreneurship promotes wellbeing emotionally, socially, and financially by helping students learn how to be self-employed to create better lives for themselves.

●       Resilience Development: Entrepreneurship help students develop resilience to stand firm even when challenges and uncertainties arise. This is very important because the journey of an entrepreneur requires determination and passion to succeed despite challenges. In fact, Covid19 crisis has made AQ (adversity quotient) as important as IQ and EQ. Kids should know how to deal with adversities. 

●       Independence: Entrepreneurship helps teach kids to fend for themselves and not depend on others for jobs.

●       Promotion of Soft Skills: Entrepreneurship helps promote the teaching of soft skills in schools, something that is usually overlooked. Some of these soft skills will help young people survive well in the outer world after graduation. The educational system focuses so much on academics and its success that it forgets to teach students soft skills they will eventually need.

●       Identification of Problems: Entrepreneurship does not only teach them how to solve problems but also how to identify problems or rather identify opportunities where others see problems. In a typical classroom setting, a problem is defined by someone and then presented to the students to solve. However, in the real world, no one gets to define a problem for another to solve because problems arise unpredictably. But this subject teaches kids the ability to identify likely problems and start thinking of solutions.

●       Financial Freedom: Entrepreneurship education helps children become young entrepreneurs at their early years, meaning the child will somewhat help lift some financial load off the parents because a child who earns money as an entrepreneur will be able to cover some personal costs and even be able to donate to charities with their own money. It also helps them develop great habits such as finance management, saving, investing, and living a debt-free life.


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