Entrepreneurial and growth mindset are essential life skills. While schools and enrichment centers are doing an excellent job of providing academic knowledge and a variety of other skills; parents need to take charge when it comes to entrepreneurial skill development.
Entrepreneurship has become an essential life skill and the foundation should be laid in the early years.

With this course, the aim is to help parents, trainers; educators become facilitators and train kids with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset.

At Kidspreneurship, we are driven by a larger purpose. Our purpose is to ensure EVERY child is self-reliant and requires no external support to lead a healthy and prosperous life. To get you started on this journey, we will be sending out the first Module for FREE.

The introduction video along with the first module will give you a very good understanding of the journey that lies ahead.

Overall, there are 12 modules and 24 activities. We will be adding a few bonus modules along the way. We will also conduct LIVE webinars where you will have the opportunity to ask questions. We are committed to bringing about change through a series of experiential learning activities.

We believe parents are the most important catalyst when it comes to inculcating an entrepreneurial mindset and supporting kids to become self-reliant at an early age.

Instead of getting lost in the World Wide Web overloaded with information, it is important to follow a path that provides clarity and action plan. We are extremely respectful of your time and conscious of the value that we provide. Hence our lessons are crisp with a clear outcome.

Raise Kids To Have A Growth Mind-Set

There's much being said about the imperative skills of the 21st century. But, ironically, there's very little focus on developing these key skills and preparing children for the future of work.
Parents continue to push their kids towards academia - failing to understand that a growing, entrepreneurial mind-set is just as essential.

Education is evolving but we are placing more value on changing aesthetics and driving knowledge transfer through digital. These developments are undoubtedly empowering, but, it's fundamental to first re-look at what's being taught.

While academic skills and talent can be honed at schools and enrichment centers, a mind-set development cannot happen solely at schools. Parents need to be involved, to make mind-set learning an integral part of their child's life.
After all, imparting education is not just the teacher’s responsibility. Parents have a greater ability and influence to raise a child with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset.

Kidspreneurship Master Class reaches out to parents across the globe. This 12-module online course will provide concepts, tools, worksheets, and activities to enhance the experience of learning. The modules in this course have been designed after spending a considerable time over the last one-year researching, watching several hours of video, discussing with educators, teachers, trainers, conducting holiday camps, taking feedback from parents.

All of this has been done so that you don’t have to get lost in the whirlwind and you can focus your efforts on being an excellent facilitator to your child.

The activities provided in each module are simple yet very effective to hone a growth mindset. These activities are meant for kids and parents would act as facilitators. While we have tried our best to provide all the tools and tips required for facilitation, you can reach out to us through Whatsapp and schedule a 15 min one to one session with our trainers.


Guide Manual
Playing Cards
Access to Closed Communities
Regular Webinars


You’ll learn what the most important entrepreneurial skills are
You’ll learn how to inculcate these skills through exercises and activities
You’ll learn how to practice these skills on an everyday basis so that they become a way of life
You’ll learn how to help your kids in creating a business plan and start their entrepreneurial journey
Most importantly, you’ll prepare your kids for the Future of Work


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