What Are the Best Five Tips, Business Plans, Examples for Students Early in Life?

Handling kids is a challenge especially if you have atrocious work hours. In fact, it takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means that an entire community is required to take care of child’s developmental needs. However, we increasingly have nuclear families because of which kids do not get to interact with other members of the family, elders, friends and neighbors on a regular basis. This article will provide tips and ideas of creating an environment for kids that promotes entrepreneurial mindset at an early age.

Involve your kids in your day to day activities so that they can taste responsibilities at an early age.
If you are wanting to teach your kids some great entrepreneurial values, below are the 5 things that you must follow.

1. Setting of practical goals

Teach your children to set goals, both short term and long term. This will make them responsible and spirited. Most people carry out their activities with setting a goal. If your children set goals from an early age, they will start learning to conquer things step by step.

Once they set up their goal, breakdown their goals into bite size objectives. These bite size objectives can then be further broken down into activities required to achieve the objective.

This helps them understand the impact of everything they do on objective and the larger goal.
For eg., If your child is an art enthusiast and wants to invite friends and family to his/her own art exhibition, then they can have a monthly objective of completing at least 3 or 4 paintings a month such that by the end of the year they have 35+ paintings for the exhibition. In order to complete 3 or 4 paintings in a month, they need to complete at least 1 painting a month. Now, they can further back calculate the effort required daily to achieve the larger goal.

2. Why Kids should know financial literacy

Finance and budgeting seem like topics  that kids should stay away from, but in reality when you teach children about money, you are  teaching them values which will help set them up for success in their lives. It will inspire them and set a good example for them to follow.

Schools usually do not focus on teaching financial literacy or practical money matters and parents often do not share their business/savings/investment details with kids.  However, there are professional money management programs where you can enrol your kids and developing an entrepreneurial mind-set with regards to finance and budgeting is very critical for them to be successful in the future of work. The knowledge of money management willprepare them for finances in the real world. It ensures their financial, social and health security by the time they are ready to take on the world. A stable financial state means young adults can take care of their medical bills, feed themselves and buy essentials. Also, financial literacy is important for their overall wellbeing.

3. Kids solving problems on their own

It is important to let young minds know that there will always be problems and although they can’t solve them all, it is better to see opportunities in place of problems. This training will help them become successful in life.

Every day we encounter opportunities at home and outside but miss out on identifying them because we don’t know how to maximise the chance. Instead, we put up barriers with our doubtful questions - ‘Can I get this thing done?' Or 'How will I do this?'

Thus, we create problems instead of seizing opportunities. Through fear and apprehension, the barriers we create can turn a potentially positive situation into a negative issue. As such, we should train kids to ask the question - Is this an opportunity or a problem? Sometimes what they need to do is look at it from a different perspective and they'll see what they've been missing.

4. Fostering creativity

Creativity implies doing things or resolving issues in an innovative way, while critical thinking means coming up with logical ideas or solutions to solve problems. Creativity is a skill that involves breaking from the norm with the intention of being different but productive.

How To Help Kids Come Up With Creative Answers?

  • Encourage freedom of expression in the classroom or at home. Let kids express their minds without fear of rebuke as this opens them up to sharing novel and creative ideas
  • Make use of external resources that will promote creativity in kids and add to their knowledge
  • Be aware of the norms to follow when it comes to flexibility and creative thinking while setting a curriculum for kids as it is important to know what is accepted by different societies
  • You can offer your own solution in the form of a suggestion. This way, the kid(s) feels at the center of problem-solving
  • Give room for mistakes because it makes everyone, including kids, more sympathetic and better individual
  • Encourage kids to ask questions regularly by deliberately giving exercises or lessons that generate curiosity. 
  • Always have a creativity space (s), such as a stage for role plays or art corner, which will make children express themselves in creative ways as much as possible
  • Allow the mixture of arts, culture and music to expand their intellectual horizons in a way that improves their curiosity about acceptances for diversity
5. Involving kids in community matter

Encourage your kids to get involved in community activities. Teach them to give back and help their community, as this is a sign of success.
Help them find their strength in their community and develop empathy. Help them to increase their networks.

Lastly, it is important to allow kids to fail. It will help them to learn from their mistakes, and they will find other ways to accomplish the task, thereby increasing their confidence. 

See  more: Kids Entrepreneurship

Author Bio
Swati Gauba is the author of Kidspreneurship.com in the field of content writing, blogging and article writing. Business Plans Examples for Students is a very informative article written by her. She has vast experience in professional writing. Her theory and skill attract the reader to catch a glimpse of her script, and readers wait for their new content anxiously.


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