
Entrepreneurship Course for Kids

Entrepreneurship is a subject that should be included in schools' curriculum. Entrepreneurship does not only involve dividing students into groups to do a bunch of activities, it also means giving students the needed space and resources they need to think creatively, be fast thinkers, and be able to solve problems. Entrepreneurship for Kids  is very important in raising students that will graduate, go out into the world, and not only work for companies but would also have the capacity to think fast, creatively and start their own companies and become job creators or sustain a living by becoming an independent consultant. Education system should stop nurturing people to become order takers. They should instead focus on nurturing and entrepreneurial and growth mindset in kids. There is a joy parents feel when their kids are young entrepreneurs who can think well and solve problems. They feel confident about their child’s future. However, for this to happen, schools

Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum

Humans naturally abhor changes even if it is for the best whereas kids start from a point where they are receptive to new ideas. In fact, while they are growing up everything for them is new. But as they grow older, they look at adults around them rejecting ideas and they learn the art of being closed minded or non-receptive to change. It is about time we change that. Let them be open to changes. Let us develop an entrepreneurial mindset in children. Kids with an Entrepreneurial Mindset would have following characteristics – Open Mindedness, Empathy, Creativity, Confidence, Problem Solving Ability Open Mindedness Kids mostly believe what people in the place of authority in their lives say. For example, if their teacher tells them it is okay to eat the skin of an apple because it is nutritious, they believe and do just that but when they get home and their mothers tell them it’s good to peel the skin off an apple before eating it, the kids get confused. They believe both the

Development of Kids

As a result of the globe moving towards a gig economy, entrepreneurship is an absolute ‘must-have’ skill for teenagers growing up in a tech-dominated world. They must possess a growth mind-set for a cheerful and fulfilling life. Kidspreneurship workshops and camps are painstakingly designed for teens age seven to twelve. We encourage parents to actively be involved with kids with the help of our on-line classes. We have plug and play courses of study and resources that faculties can embrace at school to make kids ready for the long haul of labor. Mindset Development refers to a learning theory developed by Dr Carol Dweck. It revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. This means that every individual irrespective of their background has the chance to excel in their life. All they need is determination and a very high self-belief. Teachers and parents have a big role to play when it comes to inculcating growth mindset. They can e

What Are the Best Five Tips, Business Plans, Examples for Students Early in Life?

Handling kids is a challenge especially if you have atrocious work hours. In fact, it takes a village to raise a child is an African proverb that means that an entire community is required to take care of child’s developmental needs. However, we increasingly have nuclear families because of which kids do not get to interact with other members of the family, elders, friends and neighbors on a regular basis. This article will provide tips and ideas of creating an environment for kids that promotes entrepreneurial mindset at an early age. Involve your kids in your day to day activities so that they can taste responsibilities at an early age. If you are wanting to teach your kids some great entrepreneurial values, below are the 5 things that you must follow. 1. Setting of practical goals Teach your children to set goals, both short term and long term. This will make them responsible and spirited. Most people carry out their activities with setting a goal. If your chil


Entrepreneurial and growth mindset are essential life skills. While schools and enrichment centers are doing an excellent job of providing academic knowledge and a variety of other skills; parents need to take charge when it comes to entrepreneurial skill development. Entrepreneurship has become an essential life skill and the foundation should be laid in the early years. With this course, the aim is to help parents, trainers; educators become facilitators and train kids with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset. At Kidspreneurship, we are driven by a larger purpose. Our purpose is to ensure EVERY child is self-reliant and requires no external support to lead a healthy and prosperous life. To get you started on this journey, we will be sending out the first Module for FREE. The introduction video along with the first module will give you a very good understanding of the journey that lies ahead. Overall, there are 12 modules and 24 activities. We will be adding a f